Sunday, 24 March 2019

Vitamin B12 Shots - The Potentially Effective Solution For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and considered trying vitamin B12 injections, you are not alone. Patients who suffer from continuous fatigue and disrupted sleep, know the potential benefits of vitamin B12 shots in San Antonio, Texas.

While some patients have a mild response to the injections, in others, the response is quite significant. So, what makes B12 shots effective against CFS? Let’s find out.

Recently, a group of researchers from the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology at Sweden’s Gothenburg University attempted to answer this question. After carrying out researches for more than 15 years, they were able to determine that CFS patients respond best to the injective form of B12 therapy. 

Conclusions about B12 shot benefits for CFS

Researchers concluded that frequent injections of the high-concentrated, methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12, combined with an individual dose of oral folic acid may provide effective relief of fatigue and other symptoms in individuals suffering from CFS.

In general, CFS patient’s symptoms worsened while they switched to oral vitamin B12 supplements or when they tried to lengthen the time between injections. Moreover, certain opioid analgesics and other drugs are taken by CFS patients for muscle pain may interfere with and counteract the effects of B12/folic acid.

Prerequisites before giving B12 shots a try

  1. Try the methylcobalamin form of B12
  2. Work with your physician to precisely know the optimal dose of both B12 and folate for you as an individual. 
  3. Try to avoid analgesics.
  4. Discuss with your doctor about getting thoroughly tested for a thyroid disorder.

The average daily intake of vitamin B-12, as recommended by the Office of Dietary Supplements (OSD), is 2.4 micrograms (mcg) for men and women over 14. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require slightly more, at 2.6 mcg and 2.8 mcg, respectively.