Tuesday, 10 December 2019

5 Ways To Avoid Cold And The Flu

With winters, the flu season has also arrived. To avoid getting caught in the stubborn flu, follow these easy tips and save yourself.

1. Get a flu shot

Getting a flu shot is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself from colds and flu. Seasonal flu shots are created to protect against three or four flu viruses that are most common during the flu season. These vaccines are usually injected into the arm with a needle. These flu vaccines trigger antibodies to develop in the body, within two weeks of the shot. Stop by a Primary Care Clinic in San Antonio to get yourself treated.

2.Wash your hands

Wash your hands often. The virus that causes cold and flu is spread through small droplets when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes. This virus is airborne and enters the body through nose, mouth or hands after you have touched an object infected with the virus. For example, if you share a phone or touch public door handles and touch your face after that, the virus can enter your nose or mouth. The best way to clean a cold virus off your hands is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Also, make sure to carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you.

3.Throw away used tissues

Some people have this habit of stuffing used tissues back in their pockets. If you are one of them, stop right away. You are doing nothing but making a home for flu viruses.

4. Avoid contact

Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay at home if you are suffering from any flu. Always remember to cover your mouth with a tissue while you cough or sneeze.

5.Practice good health habits

Practice good health habits to avoid seasonal or any kind of flu. Get adequate sleep, manage your stress, be physically active, increase your liquid intake and follow a healthy diet.

Make sure you visit an Immediate care clinic in San Antonio to get regular health checkups.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Reasons To Get An Urgent Care Service

Young children love to carry out physical activities whenever they get free time. Their daily chores may include playing with their friends in polluted environments without knowing the risk of health issues. Due to their young minds, children can’t comprehend safety rules either. If you want to protect your child from harmful elements, get an urgent care physicals in San Antonio. Such services offer a variety of physicals for you and your family. Facilities in schools, sports, and camp physicals hire urgent care services to keep your child safe.

Benefits of urgent care
In recent years, urgent care services become more popular among individuals and organizations across the country. Since emergency rooms in most health clinics are overcrowded, people are switching to urgent care as a solution to meet their medical assistance requirements. The key benefits of such services are quality care, quick health check-up, qualified but friendly doctors, cost-efficiency as compared to emergency rooms, and getting care faster by going to an urgent care clinic. If you want to assist your loved one at the time of urgencies, adopting a school physical San Antonio is the best option.

How to get an urgent care service

There may be plenty of urgent care provides in the town but you should look for a reliable one. Some reputed providers include exclusive services such as lab testing, pediatrics, immunization, injury assistance, treatment for various illnesses, flu shots, emergency services, and other medical needs.

You can contact their health professionals and schedule an appointment and get an appropriate health examination. In case of emergencies, they visit your place in less than an hour.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

4 Reasons To Choose An Urgent Care Over ER

Are you looking for urgent care physicals in San Antonio? Here are some of the reasons why people prefer urgent care offer other options:

*Short Time Waiting

An urgent care clinic offers quick and fast care. Unlike the emergency rooms where often patients don’t know how long they will have to wait, in an urgent care center the waiting time to get treated is much shorter and never longer than 1 hour.

*No Appointment Needed

As its very name suggests, to get treated at an urgent care there no need of prior appointments. One of the best advantages of urgent care is that in the event of any medical emergency, all a patient have to do is to walk in the clinic. It’s not necessary to make appointments or providing referrals to get started.

*Affordable Prices

A major benefit of urgent care over emergency rooms is that it is cheaper. One can save considerable money in consultations, therapies, exams and other general services. Usually, urgent care centers accept most types of health insurance, are flexible in payment options and offer affordable pricing for those without insurance, from babies to seniors.

*Treatment From A Board Certified Physician

Urgent care centers offer the highest level of professional medical care by ensuring that all patients are seen by experienced physicians. This means that a patient can arrive without notice at an urgent care facility and receive the highest standard of care and customer service without any hustle.

Urgent care centers are best for working classes and quite inexpensive.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Know What Makes Urgent Care and Walk-In-Clinic Different

Urgent care, walk-in clinic, medical clinic and convenient care clinic are some of the terms that are often used interchangeably. But they are not alike. Each one has some slight difference which we should be aware of. Below are few characteristics that define the differences between an urgent care and walk in clinic.

What is a Walk-In Clinic?

A walk-in clinic offers medical care that is fast, convenient and affordable. Staffed by professional nurse practitioners and physician assistants, these clinics are typically situated inside or adjacent to a pharmacy for maximum patient convenience. The healthcare providers at walk-in medical clinics diagnose and prescribe medications to treat a range of common conditions such as allergies, colds, flu, earache and strep throat. Some walk-in clinics also offer vaccinations and provide preventive care such as school physicals, health screenings and medical tests. A walk-in clinic offers 24*7 hours and is open every day of the week. Anyone can walk in anytime to get immediate medical assistance and is less expensive compared to other facilities.


What is an Urgent Care?

Urgent care centers treat patients whose illnesses or injuries are not life-threatening but require immediate medical care, such as broken bones and burns. Most urgent care locations have on-site X-ray equipment and at least one medical doctor available or a nurse practitioner or physician assistant at an urgent care center. Some urgent care facilities will see a patient who needs urgent medical care without an appointment, while others require an appointment. Immediate care near me will be operating seven days a week.

Know how these facilities differ from each other and choose accordingly.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Medical Benefits Under Workers’ Compensation Laws

The workers’ compensation law refers to an insurance that avails wage replacements and medical benefits in case of illness or accidents during the course of employment. There are four types of benefits covered under this law, it includes:

*Income benefits

*Medical benefits

*Burial benefits

*Death benefits

The medical benefits under workers compensation law can be utilized at any medical facility like Prompt Urgent Care. 

What are the medical benefits under worker’s compensation laws?

Medical benefits are payments made to the point that the injured employee is cured and given maximum relief. Bills for service are directly paid by the workers’ compensation carrier to the healthcare provider. The injured employee’s does not need to pay any fees at all.

The medical benefits covers the medical costs, surgical fees, nursing care expense and medication costs necessary to effect a cure and give relief be fully paid by the workers’ compensation insurer. These medical benefits are the same in every state, with few jurisdictional variations. It also includes rehabilitative services that include

*Medical Rehabilitation

*Vocational Rehabilitation

*Psychological Rehabilitation

If the employee is unable to return to work with his previous employer due to the unavailability of an accommodating position or the inability to offer a job to accommodate the employee’s limitations, vocational rehabilitation benefits are extended to cover:

*Costs of aptitude and interest tests to customize an education/training program to the employee

*Costs necessary for the employee to learn new skills or enhance existing skills

*Cost necessary to provide job search and interview skills

*Cost of job placement services.

Travel expenses to and from medical treatments are also paid under the medical benefit. Make sure you are aware of all the constant amendments and changes to make use of these benefits whenever needed.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

How To Get Most Out Of The Urgent Care Centers

If you don’t have any prior experience with prompt urgent care centers, you might wonder how they exactly function. What you don’t know could affect your perspective regarding their facilities, consequently giving rise to false information about the quality of care they render.

 Urgent care centers are suitable if you require care for a minor medical emergency or other medical services like lab work and vaccinations. These centers are accessible and widely approachable. Given below are a few things you need to know about them before you go.

1. Check Online:  Many urgent care centers are walk-in centers, it means you don’t have to schedule an appointment to see a healthcare provider. Because you don’t need to make an appointment, your wait time can increase/decrease. It will depend on the number of people ahead of you. Remember that some urgent care centers allow people to schedule appointments. So it doesn’t hurt to make a call at a center ahead of your arrival to see if you can reserve a certain time slot and decrease your wait time.

If a center doesn’t allow appointments, you might take advantage of the option of online check-in. Visit the center’s website and render your basic information so they can prepare for your arrival. This process helps to reserves a specific time slot, which eventually assists you to see a healthcare provider sooner.

2. Look For The Right Care Center:  Don’t wait until you’re unwell to begin searching for an urgent care center. It’s necessary to find a center that accepts your health insurance plan. A health insurance plan will reduce the burden on your pocket. Also, look for a facility that specializes in the care that you require. If you need to have an x-ray, then make sure that the center provides on-site x-ray machine facility.

3. Know The Working Hours: It is essential to be aware of the best time to visit the care center. You can visit an urgent care center at any time during the clinic’s general working hours. An individual needs to understand that a few days may be busier than others. This includes nights, weekends, and holidays when many doctor offices are shut.

Urgent care centers are accessible and cost-effective. Make sure you understand when to visit one for your medical situation. For More Info: http://www.prompturgentcare.net/

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Keeping a School Physical Makes Sure a Child Is Safe At School

Are you looking for a school physical? If so, urgent care physicals in San Antonio is offering the finest urgent care services. With the help of experienced medical professionals, the walk-in clinic has been striving to deliver services with no appointment needed. The presence of school physical makes sure that your child gets medical checkups and vaccination programs against serious illness.
The devoted team of doctors addresses the problems regarding emotional, developmental, or social concerns.

When you are worried about your child’s health, consult the school physical in San Antonio. The clinic offers services for schools & sports physicals or B-12 shots in the town. A wide comprehensive range of medical services is on the card. It is the ultimate medical solution you can afford with your budget. You can avail their medical services at an affordable price.

Importance of physical in schools

When it comes to dealing with problems with school kids, there are factors that you cannot deal without the help of professionals. If a school has a proper facility for physical, parents should take the opportunity to help their kids stay in a healthy environment. Pediatricians conduct physical checks of the child’s body to examine if there is any abnormality in their physical development.

To address the requirement, medical professionals at urgent care physicals in San Antonio help you in preparing medical benefits at school. They assist you throughout the application process from paperwork to final results and provide a reliable healthcare without wasting your time. They build a bridge between clients and medical supplies by assuring trust.

The walk-in clinic is also offering the emergency service and accepting most insurances! Patients can directly visit the clinic at any time around the clock.

The clinic is equipped with the latest technology. It deploys comprehensive medical testing devices in their lab to conduct pathological tests. Pediatrician and re-employment physical can get opportunity to work with the reputed clinic.

Monday, 20 May 2019

4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing An Urgent Care Clinic

During emergencies, people do not have the time to think about where they should get the treatment from. They tend to look to the nearest hospital or clinic to get immediate help. However, they should not risk their lives at the same time by going to the wrong clinic. If you are looking for immediate care clinic San Antonio, here are a few questions that you should ask:

 Are you getting the right doctor for your treatment?

As there are different kinds of doctors for different medical needs, before choosing a clinic, make sure that you get the right one. For instance, if you suffer a head injury, you cannot go to a clinic that is specialized to treat only broken bones.

 Does it have well-equipped emergency rooms?

It is important for every urgent care clinic to have well-equipped emergency rooms as they may never know what kind of patients will walk in or what types of emergency needs they will require. For instance, if someone met with an accident and is brought to an urgent care clinic, the clinic should have the facilities to do minor dressings or to perform a surgery in case required.

 Does it have highly qualified doctors and nurses?

The health of a person is something that you cannot play with. When you look for San Antonio urgent care, make sure that you choose a clinic that has highly qualified doctors and nurses. Make sure that you do your research in order to avoid other complications.

 Does it have a treatment plan?

Some people end up losing a lot of money in paying bills before they even recover. Always ask the clinic that you have chosen whether they have a documented treatment plan or not.

While looking for immediate care clinic in San Antonio, bear in mind that you get the right treatment from the right clinic. Consider the above-mentioned questions to help you when you have to make a decision.


Monday, 22 April 2019

5 Situations Where Urgent Care Facility Will Help

A lot has been said in favor of prompt urgent care, they are inexpensive, reliable and available all day long. But when does one know that he/she needs to visit an urgent care facility than an emergency room? To break the ice, let us discover 5 situations where urgent care should be approached:

Situation 1: In case of cold and flu
If your child has a cold and flu that does not affect after any treatment, head to a nearest minor emergency clinic in the SA. Symptoms like sneezing, dry cough, fever, and chills could be a sign of pneumonia. An urgent care facility will immediately nebulize the respiratory tract to give instant relief. 

Situation 2: In case of fractures or sprain
Minor bone fractures, sprains can be easily treated in urgent care. If you have suffered any sprain in arms legs or shoulders, the professionals at urgent care can diagnose the severity of a fracture and refer to an emergency department.

Situation 3:In case of a chest pain caused by over exercising
Excessive exercise increases the secretion of lactic acid in the muscle which results in cramps. If you had a rough workout day and suffers from chest cramps and pain, prefer going to an urgent care for quick relief.

Situation 4: In case breathing problems
Any allergic reaction can cause breathing discomfort. Cardiac arrest can also result in severe shortness of breath. In such an emergency situation always head towards an urgent care center for first aid.

Situation 5: In case of strange symptoms like seizures and paralysis 
Since emergency rooms are the busiest section of the hospital, in case of any strange symptoms head to an urgent care center to get immediate paramedical help. 

Urgent care clinics are meant to provide services that are not life-threatening. They compromise of trained staffs that offer instant aid in case of untimely emergencies. 

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Vitamin B12 Shots - The Potentially Effective Solution For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and considered trying vitamin B12 injections, you are not alone. Patients who suffer from continuous fatigue and disrupted sleep, know the potential benefits of vitamin B12 shots in San Antonio, Texas.

While some patients have a mild response to the injections, in others, the response is quite significant. So, what makes B12 shots effective against CFS? Let’s find out.

Recently, a group of researchers from the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology at Sweden’s Gothenburg University attempted to answer this question. After carrying out researches for more than 15 years, they were able to determine that CFS patients respond best to the injective form of B12 therapy. 

Conclusions about B12 shot benefits for CFS

Researchers concluded that frequent injections of the high-concentrated, methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12, combined with an individual dose of oral folic acid may provide effective relief of fatigue and other symptoms in individuals suffering from CFS.

In general, CFS patient’s symptoms worsened while they switched to oral vitamin B12 supplements or when they tried to lengthen the time between injections. Moreover, certain opioid analgesics and other drugs are taken by CFS patients for muscle pain may interfere with and counteract the effects of B12/folic acid.

Prerequisites before giving B12 shots a try

  1. Try the methylcobalamin form of B12
  2. Work with your physician to precisely know the optimal dose of both B12 and folate for you as an individual. 
  3. Try to avoid analgesics.
  4. Discuss with your doctor about getting thoroughly tested for a thyroid disorder.

The average daily intake of vitamin B-12, as recommended by the Office of Dietary Supplements (OSD), is 2.4 micrograms (mcg) for men and women over 14. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require slightly more, at 2.6 mcg and 2.8 mcg, respectively. 

Friday, 22 February 2019

4 Tips On Choosing The Right Primary Care Doctor

Before diving into the points, it is essential to know if you really need a primary doctor. The answer is “yes” or a “yes”. Who doesn’t need someone who can take care of their health issues and also give regular health advice? Obviously, everyone needs a primary care physician so that they do not need to go to a doctor's office in San Antonio. If you are missing out on a primary care clinic, it gets difficult to figure out the best go-to person to seek advice concerning your well-being.

Here are the 10 tips on how you can choose the right primary care doctor for yourself:

1. Ask around - Ask your peers, your neighborhood members, and your family about their preferable doctor. Create a list of the recommendation and visit their primary care clinic to check it for yourself. Since each person is different, so each one of us will have a different set of expectations. Keep that in mind before searching.

2. Make sure you have got it covered - Once you have shortlisted few good candidates, check if they work with your health plan. If you have a medicare advantage plan, make sure the doctor’s office is included in that plan.

3. Do a quality check - Blindly trusting your best friend’s advice cannot guarantee you results. Ensure you have personally done a quality check on the office and on the doctor’s track record to get an up-to-date and quality service.

4. Avoid culture shock - Every culture has its own custom and taboos about medical care. Finding a doctor who can speak your language and is also sensitive to your cultural and religious convictions is not that easy. So, it is important to find a doctor who is culturally aware.