Tuesday, 10 December 2019

5 Ways To Avoid Cold And The Flu

With winters, the flu season has also arrived. To avoid getting caught in the stubborn flu, follow these easy tips and save yourself.

1. Get a flu shot

Getting a flu shot is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself from colds and flu. Seasonal flu shots are created to protect against three or four flu viruses that are most common during the flu season. These vaccines are usually injected into the arm with a needle. These flu vaccines trigger antibodies to develop in the body, within two weeks of the shot. Stop by a Primary Care Clinic in San Antonio to get yourself treated.

2.Wash your hands

Wash your hands often. The virus that causes cold and flu is spread through small droplets when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes. This virus is airborne and enters the body through nose, mouth or hands after you have touched an object infected with the virus. For example, if you share a phone or touch public door handles and touch your face after that, the virus can enter your nose or mouth. The best way to clean a cold virus off your hands is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Also, make sure to carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you.

3.Throw away used tissues

Some people have this habit of stuffing used tissues back in their pockets. If you are one of them, stop right away. You are doing nothing but making a home for flu viruses.

4. Avoid contact

Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay at home if you are suffering from any flu. Always remember to cover your mouth with a tissue while you cough or sneeze.

5.Practice good health habits

Practice good health habits to avoid seasonal or any kind of flu. Get adequate sleep, manage your stress, be physically active, increase your liquid intake and follow a healthy diet.

Make sure you visit an Immediate care clinic in San Antonio to get regular health checkups.

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